Become your own sound healer...
Get grounded, present, and back into your body with The Earth’s Hum.
The Earth’s Hum vibrates at the frequency of 86.13 Hz—the 11th harmonic of the Shuman Resonance. The Shuman Resonance is the electromagnetic resonance of the Earth’s atmosphere, and has been shown to bring healing and harmony to the brain and nervous system of human beings.
"Our entire biological system, the brain, and the earth itself, work on the same frequencies.”
Our intention is to remind you that you are sound.
Why The Earth's Hum?
While tuning forks are healing for all—especially when traveling or struggling with overstimulation—they're particularly beneficial for those who are highly sensitive or neurodivergent.
Benefits include:
nervous system regulation
reduced anxiety
connection to the Earth
increased energy
enhanced focus
harmonized energy field
heightened consciousness
Featured in: Ariana Grande's Music Video 'yes, and?' & the 2024 Academy Awards "Everyone Wins" Nominee Gift Bags.
The Earth's Hum
"Divine sound is the cause of all manifestation. The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe."
Holistic Life Foundation
With 20+ years of mindfulness, connection, community, health, commitment & love; HLF is a BIPOC run Baltimore-based 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization empowering & impacting youth & communities across the nation, through a comprehensive approach that helps children and adults develop their inner lives through yoga, mindfulness, and self-care by providing their high-quality, trauma informed, evidence-based multi-faceted programming and curriculum.
The foundation made headlines for their successful Mindfulness programs & practices in low-income, underserved communities, in particular their Mindful Moment program; which replaces detention with meditation.
For every tuning fork purchased, we will be donating $2.